
NeuroVr a relaxation protocol for obese patients

a protocol developed by Atnp Lab for relaxation of obese patients

Prof. Giuseppe Riva at Cybertherapy 08 launching the new NeuroVR 1.5 virtual reality software

Prof. Giuseppe Riva at Cybertherapy 08 launching the new NeuroVR 1.5 virtual reality software, San Diego June 08

NeuroVr 1.5: an example of clinical application project IVT2010

a practical example of the application of the virtual reality software NeuroVR 1.5:the project IVT2010 for patients with stroke

730 views since Jul 24, 2008 06:46

Prof Giuseppe Riva - La realtĂ  virtuale nella riabilitazione dell'obeso

intervento del Prof Giuseppe Riva di Atnp Lab al convegno dell'Istituto Auxologico Italiano "La riabilitazione nel cardiopatico e nell'obeso" presso il Palazzo delle Stelline, Milano, 4 giugno 2008

1253 views since Jun 6, 2008 01:40

A Second Life for E-Health

A new project of the Applied Technology for Nuero Psychology Lab of Prof. Giuseppe Riva and Researcher Alessandra Gorini: use the platform Second Life for on line psycological support for groups...

1039 views since Apr 30, 2008 01:42